[10.1.10] Baby I'm back!

Posted by Jaeleon under
It's been a long while since my last post, eh?

Goodness.I started this blog last year and I couldn't believe 2009 was about to come to an end; 

Now 2011 is right around the corner. It's hard to phantom how quickly time flies.

Anyhow, lots has changed, but a lot is also still the same. I'm pretty happy at this point in my life but I don't want to become too content. Progression is a constant must.  

**Oooh my sissy will be having her first kid soon. I'm going to be an aunt/tia! I'm pretty pumped; totally ready for little Christian Jay to be here already. The baby shower is the month; THANK GOD. Girlfriend has been driving me crazy with all the planning and stuff. She's very anal when it comes to planning & details. Grrrr! But the baby is due to arrive in December! :) 

Also in December 12/11/10 to be exact my long time pal is getting married. I'm honored to be in the wedding. I just feel so old. Friends getting married & having kids; we're all a long way from our Jr High/High School days. Seesh. 

"Life is a wheel in Constant motion Always rolling us along. Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder Where those Years have Gone?" 

Happy 4th of July!

Posted by Jaeleon under
Hope everyone has a fabulous Independece Day with family & friends!

Sorry I've been MIA.

I'll def be posting an update blog by the end of the week! =)


Posted by Jaeleon under
So All Star weekend was a bust, basically. Major changes are taking place as I type. It's the good kind though  & I can't wait to see the results. Hope every had a good Valentine's day. I slept mine away from being so tired from All Star weekend. Oh well! Lol.

Time Starts to Pass...[1.26.2010]

Posted by Jaeleon under
....Before you know it you're frozen.

Hello all!
I've been doing pretty good at blogging frequently!
Yay me! [London Tipton voice]

Anyway, I've come to the recent realization that friends are what the used to be & for the most part, people aren't worth a damn these days!
It's a shame but I guess that's life.
I've lost alot of respect for people around me & I'm not really sure if there's any coming back from that!
Hypocrits and condescending morons are the people I seem to be befriending in 2010. I'm working on being a better me and I'm sure that's only hindering the process.
And old friends haven't been much of a "friend" lately. I guess it's also a part of life.
Some people grow up and others take a little longer.
But I'm not about to deal with childish bulls***! 
"They mean me no harm but it's time that I face it, they'll never allow me to change."
Sooo lots of people have been removed from this crazy life of mine.

But on to other news...I had a good time this past weekend.

Miss Sueyon came back into town so we all stepped out downtown. I haven't hung out with those girls in a while so it was pretty refreshing.
The event we attended was crazyyy packed though but other than that it was all good!

Yikes! [1.19.10]

Posted by Jaeleon under

So it's almost February!
Which means it's almost time for the NBA All-Star game in Dallas!
I was super excited at first but now I'm more nervous than anything.
I like the whole hosting thing but I tend to be socially awkward if I'm not in the right mood! Hopefully I'll be in the right mood lol. I know there's going to be a ton of people which usually makes me more at ease, as odd as that sounds.
Plus having the girls I work with (pictured to the right!) will make it too fun for me to be nervous! I am glad it's during Valentine's week though so it will soften the blow that I'm without a sigot ("significent other" in case you were wondering")!

Bangs on deck! [1.16.2010]

Posted by Jaeleon under
Yes? No? Maybe so? lol

---Here's a Map & here's a Bible; if you ever Lose your way.

So 2010 is well under way.
I can't believe it's already the middle of January! Though I say this every month.
Maybe I just have a bad concept of time.

I hope everyone has contributed to the relief efforts of the Haiti disaster.
I know everyone isn't able to give actual cash but a prayer will go a long way!
I know there has been alot of religious debates going on and those who insist that this has happened to Haiti because of there "voodoo" practices.
I'm not at all familiar with Haiti or the cultural and spiritual beliefs but whenever a natural disaster happens these days I can't help but to refer back to the book of Revelations. In any case though, helping someone is never wrong.

So, I've been thinking alot lately and I think I want to really apply to the police academy! I've mentioned it a couple of times to a few people & wasn't taken very seriously but that's okay! "For everyone who thought I couldn't do it, For everyone who thought I shouldn't do it, For everyone who said it's impossible; See you at the finish line." The next class will be admitted Spring 2011 so I have a little bit of time to decide for sure.

Oh yeah, I kinda miss that one guy, *sigh* But I know what I deserve & refuse to be given any less.
---"In your life you'll do things Greater than dating a boy on the football team." ♥

[Sadness] has me at the end of the line
[Helpless] watched you break this heart of mine. &
[Loneliness] only wants you back, here with me;
[Common Sense] knows that you're not Good enough for Me.
---J. Timberlake

Anyway, I'm so proud of myself for sticking to my guns. I have to. I'm far too old to keep playing games with people! I'm not doing it again...I did it for wayyy to long in the past.

I'm not saying I won't give out second chances ever again but somethings are simply unacceptable. You've done the sewing, now you can do the reaping. That's all there is to it.

On to other things, I'll be heading to Atlanta this weekend with my girlies to do some promo stuff for All-Star weekend. That should be fun. I've found that keeping myself occupied makes things alot easier! So I will do just that. :)

Texas =O [1/08/2010]

Posted by Jaeleon under

SO even though Texas lost we still had a great time!

I don't care what anyone says, the Longhorns over came great adversity and played a good game.

But congrats to Alabama. Mark Ingram seems to be of decent character therefore I can't help but congratulate him & his squad!

HOOK 'EM [1/07/2010]

Posted by Jaeleon under

Today is the day allllll NCAA Football fans has been waiting for! UT battles 'Bama!

I must say I'm very excited.

Being from Austin, & being raised as a longhorn fan, It should be NO question as to who I'm rooting for!

I anticipate this to be a VERY good game!

Those thinking Alabama are going to run all over Texas needs to rethink that thought! LOL

2010! [1/04/2010]

Posted by Jaeleon under

So it's been a couple of months!

Everythingggg has changed, alot of it within the last few days. I'm glad it's the beginning of the year though so I have a new point in which to start over.

Didn't really make any "resolutions" for the year except to be a better person and enjoy life times a million. You never know when your number is up & no one wants to die without living a fulfilling life. It isn't about the number of days you have but the quality of those days.

So this year I won't be putting up with any b.s. I'm going to chill and do me. Though I'm sure that will change eventually as the year goes on! Lol

No more dating boys either. It's time for a man! Lol Gahh I'm just so excited that it's a new year and I can start over fresh, though I suppose at any point you can start over as long as you're ready, not just the new year.

Let's go!

♥Love goes wrong but Life goes on & I know what I gotta do.